- Chongqing Creation Vocational College - Thailand Krirk University International... 2023-04-26
- China-Malaysia Inter-school Exchanges 2023-04-25
- Actively Implement Chinese-plus Skills Training to Fulfill the Mission of... 2022-08-18
- Thanks Letter from Mr. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia 2022-07-20
- The Training Program for Mid-Senior Management Personnel between China-Cambodia Cross... 2022-07-18
- Thanks Letter from Mr. LY Thuch, Senior Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia 2021-03-25
- China-Cambodia Friendship Will Enduring and Both Look forward to Fruitful Future 2020-04-22
- Training of Intelligent E-Commerce in the Era of Big Data for Intermediate and Senior... 2020-04-22
- Training of Intelligent E-Commerce in the Era of Big Data for Intermediate and Senior... 2020-04-22
- Strengthen Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation to Nurture China-Cambodia Friendship Opening... 2020-04-22
- A Cooperation Agreement Signed with KRIRK University from Thailand 2020-04-22
- Delegation from Our College Went to Huada Nanyang College in Singapore for On-Site Visit... 2020-04-22
- Leaders from Hoseo University Came for Communication and Exchange 2020-04-22
- A Memorandum of Understanding Signed with Seneca 2020-04-22